Visual MODFLOW® Flex is the industry standard software for 3D groundwater flow, heat and contaminant transport modeling.
Integrated Conceptual and Numerical Groundwater Modeling
Powerful 2D and 3D Visualization Capabilities
Intuitive and Easy-to-Use
A Complete Groundwater Modeling System
With Visual MODFLOW Flex you have a complete set of tools necessary for addressing water quality, groundwater supply, and source water protection initiatives, including:
MODFLOW-2000, 2005, NWT - The world standard for groundwater flow modeling
MODGLOW-LGR - Shared-node local grid refinement (LGR) for regional-local scale simulations
SEAWAT v.4 - 3D variable density groundwater flow coupled with multi-species solute and heat transport
MT3DMS - The standard package for multi-species contaminant transport simulations
MODPATH - The standard package for forward and reverse particle tracking
Zone Budget - A package for sub-regional water budget calculations
PHT3D - A multi-component transport model for three-dimensional reactive transport in saturated porous media. It couples the two existing and widely used computer programs, the solute transport model MT3DMS and the USGS geochemical code PHREEQC-2.
PEST v.12.3 - Automated calibration and sensitivity analysis with support for pilot points.
View all supported flow engines, transport engines and MODFLOW packages.
Flexible Modeling Approaches
Visual MODFLOW Flex allows you to choose which modeling approach to use for building your groundwater models. Choose the flexible and efficient conceptual modeling approach or the classical modeling approach.
Conceptual Modeling Approach
Build your 3D conceptual model using existing GIS data and wells/boreholes. The grid-independent conceptual model gives you the flexibility to experiment with different grid types and simulators. Cell locations and parameters are automatically calculated for you, reducing the need to define these manually on a cell-based level. From one conceptual model you can easily generate multiple numerical models of different grid types and modeling scenarios, and easily update or modify the model as needed.
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Classical Numerical Modeling Approach
Ideal for models with simple geology, basic properties and boundary conditions, the classical approach allows you to start by defining the numerical grid. The grid can then be manually populated with properties and boundary conditions using traditional techniques.
Integrated 3D Conceptual and Numerical Groundwater Modeling
Visual MODFLOW Flex provides a seamless transition from raw data through conceptualization to the numerical model all within a single intuitive modeling environment.
Define complex geology and model layers using borehole log data and cross-sections
Interpret GIS data to define hydrogeologic properties and boundaries independent of the grid
Run, analyze, and validate model results with raw data in 2D, 3D, and cross-section views
Easily create multiple conceptualizations; generate numerous grids and model scenarios in parallel all in a single project
Assess uncertainty though comparing heads from multiple model runs in 2D, 3D or chart views